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Belen Harvey House Museum
A Branch of the Belen Public Library
This web page is sponsored by the Friends of the Belen Harvey House Museum
Call us for more details
The Museum is open Wednesday through Saturday
from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm
the last entry to the Museum is 4:00 PM
Our Cafe is open Thursday through Saturday
12:00 noon to 3:00 PM.
Take a video tour of the museum!
Follow the journey of a New Mexico Harvey Girl through this photo collection and an actual recorded interview.

"I would like to take you back to 1936 and 1937." Eva Fuqua

Play Eva's music

Click on photographs to magnify.

Click on photographs to magnify.

Click on photographs to magnify.

Click on photographs to magnify.
"All Harvey Girls were under a three month training period." Eva Fuqua

Click on photographs to magnify.
"We were trained how to walk, talk and to give the best service." Eva Fuqua

Play Eva's music

"The friends I made then are still my friends today." Eva Fuqua

"The rules were very strict." Eva Fuqua
Click on photographs to magnify.

Click on photographs to magnify.

Play Eva's music
00:00 / 02:53
"And sometimes we would break the rules"
Eva Fuqua

"I have used and benefitted all of my life with the teachings I received ." Eva Fuqua

Click to hear Ms. Betty Chavez's full interview with Ms. Eva Fuqua.

Play Eva's interview
Click on photographs to magnify.
Click on photographs to magnify.
Click on photographs to magnify.
Click on photographs to magnify.
Click on photographs to magnify.
Click on photographs to magnify.
Click on photographs to magnify.
Click on photographs to magnify.

Play Eva's music
Click on photographs to magnify.

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